The last thing most runners want to do is rehab an injury. Especially if you are overwhelmed with all the exercises you see online and don't know where to start. If you're like most runners I work with, you feel frustrated and just want to get back to pain free running.
Well the reality is:
You don't need fancy ice baths, recovery tools, manual therapy, and more stretches to run pain free. Majority of running injuries are overuse injuries, meaning there is too much load through a certain area of your body (injured site) and if we don't find the source of why this is happening, you could be stuck in the pain cycle.
One way to address this is with rehab exercises that are specific to running. Running Specific Rehab Exercises are the fastest way to get back to pain free running.
Why should I rehab with running specific exercises?
Unfortunately most Physical Therapy exercises aren't specific for running. Instead, they consist of popular exercises that don't necessarily move the needle towards your big running goals.
If you've been in physical therapy before, you may have received exercises such as leg raises, bridges, squats, side steps and clamshells. I know, I've worked in those clinics.
If you are trying to get out of pain, you need exercises that are specific to running.
Without running specific rehab exercises, injuries will just keep popping up as you increase your mileage or speed.
Combining mobility and stability exercises that are specific to running will allow you to stop having discomfort or pain during your runs and start running with more confidence.
Running Specific Exercises Get You Out of Pain
If you are running with pain or discomfort, you need more than 2 weeks of rest, orthotics, new shoes, stretching, or random exercises you find online.
While these things can help, they don't fix the source of the pain and the therefore the pain will never go away.
Running specific exercises are the most valuable thing you can do to decrease your pain when running.
Your body will get stronger and more mobile, allowing your body improve the distribution of forces, reduce overuse load to the injured site and improve your running form.
And it doesn't have to require seeing a Physical Therapist- just a couple times a week going through your exercises at home to feel like this:
"Your programs have not only helped me with my plantar fasciitis, but I was able to complete my first 5k in over 4 years without pain! Thank you so much for taking the time to put the exercises together" -Lauren
Do you make these mistakes when running with pain?
"I've tried stretching"

Chances are if you have pain or tightness, you've tried some sort of stretching. While this may feel like it's effective, it's not addressing why the muscle feels tight and why there is pain involved.
A tight muscle is either an overworked muscle or a weak muscle, therefore stretching the muscle isn't going to decrease your pain.
"I've tried exercises online"

Who doesn't love free stuff? The problem with exercises that are promising to "reduce your plantar fasciitis pain" or "get rid of shin splints" is that they aren't designed for your stage of recovery.
These general exercises may work for some, but chances are they aren't done correctly OR they aren't done consistently OR they aren't designed with progressions to return to running.
You're delaying the time it will take to get out of pain.
You could be injuring yourself more.
You're not preparing your injury for the demands of high impact activities such as running.
And I don't want that for you.
"I've tried new shoes"

Getting new shoes might be one of my favorite things.
And it's worth a shot to reduce your pain, especially if your running shoes have some mileage.
But it's not contributing to your foot and ankle pain as much as you think.
Most foot and ankle running injuries happen from too load or force through a certain muscle, joint or tendon and overtime that causes compensations that can lead to pain.
That's where running specific rehab exercises come in- addressing the source of the pain and balancing out compensations so your body can reduce the load through the injured area.
You don't need to spend hundreds of shoes and orthotics.
All that is needed to reduce your pain, build your confidence and return to pain free running are weekly rehab exercises that you can do at home.
That's it.

So the question is, how are you expected to run pain free without a rehab plan that is specific to runners?
After treating thousands of runners, I was able to put together a successful rehab program for runners who are ready to run pain free.
You'll learn:
How to improve your big toe and ankle mobility
How to improve your arch control
How to strengthen your calves
How to get rid of calf and ankle tightness
How to improve your big toe stability (unlocks Gluteus Maximus strength)
The weekly exercise progressions that continue to challenge you- while reducing your pain
The Foot and Ankle Program will show you exactly how to reduce your pain and prepare your body for the demands that come with running.

Learn and Implement a 3 Step Plan to Decrease Your Pain

Step 1: Improve Your Foundation
Learn how to activate and mobilize the joints and muscles that matter most that will get you out of pain
(Weeks 1-4)

Step 2: Improve Your Strength
Strengthen and implement movement patterns in standing to continue loading the muscles appropriately to decrease pain
(Weeks 5-8)

Step 3: Implement Running Specific Movement Patterns
Now that you have the strength and mobility, let's make it specific to running so you can return to run and build mileage without pain
(Weeks 9-12)

Benefits of the Foot and Ankle Program vs. Traditional Physical Therapy

What Do I Get With The Program?
12 weeks of exercises to reduce your pain (3 days a week OR 6 days a week option for 20-30 min each day)
An assessment to perform before the program, half way through the program and at the end to see your progress
Educational Videos Each Week
Take a look inside the program:

Run Pain Free With The...

Lifetime Access for $159
FREE ACCESS Inside the Complete Runners Club Annual Membership HERE

In Case There's Anything I Missed, Here's Some Frequently Asked Questions
What makes runners who have gone through this program and the testimonials I've seen, so successful?
I set out to create a step by step program that will help you breakthrough the pain with these exercises. I keep progressing you so every week you get a new set of exercises that are specific to running and address the source of the pain. No more wasting time and money on things that don't work, you are going to get to experience the results for yourself.
If I have low level pain, is this course good for me?
Yes I recommend addressing the pain or discomfort early on if possible. If the pain gets worse when running or with activity and has stuck around for more than 2-3 days, it's time to take action and address it quickly. The quicker you can address the pain with running specific rehab exercises, the faster you will be running pain free.
Can I still run while I rehab?
Yes you can. I recommend taking a break from running if your pain level is above a 3 out of 10 on the 0-10 pain scale. You may have to decrease your mileage and/or speed to keep your pain low level, but this is highly recommended as you rehab your injury.
How long will it take me to get out of pain?
It completely depends on the injury, pain level and many other factors. For some runners, it takes a couple weeks and for others it can take 1-2 months. If you are having a lot of pain when running, I recommend decreasing mileage and/or speed so its low level pain. If the pain continues to be high level, it's recommended to take a break from running.
How long do I have access to the program?
You have unlimited use and will receive all updates made to the program.
How long does each day take?
Each day takes about 20-30 minutes to complete and you have the option of going through the program 3 days a week or 6 days a week. I recommend going through the exercises before you run if possible.
Do I need to see an in-person Physical Therapist?
You do not have to see an in-person Physical Therapist to get out of pain, especially since majority of running injuries are overuse injuries. This means you don't need manual therapy or hands on work, what you really need are exercises that address the weak areas and stiff areas.
What can I expect when I enroll in the Foot and Ankle Program?
Upon completing your enrollment, you will receive an email immediately. Your purchase includes INSTANT access with lifetime updates to all material.
If I don't see results, can I get a refund?
Try the program and it's entirety and if you do not see a decrease in pain within 90 days, simply let us know at drlisadpt@gmail.com and we'll refund your investment.